PMIC Wells singlehandedly saves a cardiac arrest patient
By Deputy Chief Kevin Jura FTO
February 11, 2017

On January 18th, PMIC Wells responded to a Breathing Problems call in Dunkirk. When arrived on scene, he found a 51 year old female having chest pains and an active STEMI. He immediately began transporting her to a Cardiac Intensive Care Center at Southern Maryland Hospital. While transporting the patient, he was alone in the back of the unit with the patient when she went into cardiac arrest. PMIC Wells managed to perform CPR on the patient and defibrillate the patient 3 times. It was through his valliant efforts that PMIC Wells was able to save the patient's life and safely deliver her straight to the cardiac catheterization lab at Southern Maryland Hospital. The patient made a full recovery and has since been discharged back to her home.

Well done PMIC Wells!!!

Units: Medic 101, Ambulance 59