Unique Rescue for CALS on the Patuxent River
By Chief of CALS Chris Shannon FTO
April 7, 2016

On the evening of 4/6/2016 Solomons VFD was alerted for one with an abdominal injury at the base of the Thomas Johnson Bridge at the construction site. Chief10 and A39 happened to be returning from a previous medical call and were on the St.Mary's side of the bridge when the call went out. Knowing that this could be a serious call Chief10 added himself to the call with the units from Solomons. Chief10 arrived on location first and was directed down to the pier and onto a barge where a construction worker had been injured. The worker had become pinned between a 200,000 lbs moving load and a stationary object, since the load was moving very slowly they were able to free the worker before EMS arrival. A39 arrived next and was directed to pull up onto the barge for best access to the patient. EMS crews worked quickly to assess the injured worker and consult with PG trauma for a pri-2 CAT D flyout. The worker was packaged and loaded into the ambulance within 25 mins of our arrival and transferred to the Navy Rec Center helipad for medevac by Tpr 7.

Mutual Aid: Chief 10, Chief 3C, A39,UT3