CALS Runs Early Evening Rescue in Huntingtown
By Chief of CALS Chris Shannon FTO
January 7, 2019

Early Monday evening units from Huntingtown and Dunrkirk and the Medic Unit were alerted for the report of a serious accident on Rt-4 southbound at the 2/4 split. As units were responding a member of co.4 came on scene and requested early activation of MSP aviation for a patient seriously injured. M101 (PMIC S. Millette) and Utility 10 (Chief 10C Sturmer) responded to the scene. M101 arrived on scene as the 1st medic unit and met up with the ambulance crew from Huntingtown and began caring for the patient. Chief 10C arrived soon after and made sure no other patients were in need of ALS care then checked on M101's PMIC. MSP aviation landed at the scene and the patient was transported to a local trauma center.

Units: Squad 6, E51,A69, A59, M101, Chief 10C