CALS Runs Working Rescue right after Company Meeting
By Member
September 9, 2018

Just after 8pm on Sunday night as all the members were returning home from the monthly meeting CALS was alerted for a "Rescue with Entrapment" on Dares Beach Rd @ Wilson Rd. Squad 2 and A47 arrived on scene and confirmed 1 patient trapped and one in the roadway. M103 (PMIC Gill) and his intern responded as well as Chief 10 from the Medic Unit in Prince Frederick. M103 and Chief 10 arrived simultaneously and began assessing patients. The occupant of the minivan was triaged as pri-3 and was just stuck in her van while the other patient was triaged to be a pri-2 with a Fx femur. M103 worked quickly with the crew of A47 to package their patient for the long ground transport to PG trauma due to all the bad weather. Chief 10 and A58 packaged the patient from the van who was transported to a local facility.